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lynx-dev LYNX: so nice would be to read back in visited-links-page, etc.

From: David Combs
Subject: lynx-dev LYNX: so nice would be to read back in visited-links-page, etc.
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 02:09:48 -0700 (PDT)

(Sorry about all that <br><br> stuff; didn;'t know I wasn't using
my own lynx.cfg.)

Anyway, it is now 4:40am in the morning, been up all night,
have a huge visited-links page that is now 230 lines
long (wide lines) -- would it be NICE if I could
log out of my ISP, get some sleep, and maybe get back on tomorrow 
night, or in two days, whatever, and RESTORE it.

Basically, restoring lynx to the state it was in two days earlier.

(Same with history page.)

You'd "p" it out to a file, and later read it back
in, parsing it.


Like emacs "desktop-save" and "desktop-restore".

So, how difficult would it be to parse a written-out 
visited-links page, and "install" it.

----- Maybe an entirely different approach:

Or, better yet, simply "pretend" that the "stream" of that
stuff was not coming from a FILE, but trick lynx
into believing it was the USER typing in those links,
one by one.

That would probably be the EASIEST way to do it.

(Although a LOT slower -- VASTLY slower, if you
actually CONNET to all those sites.  I assume we could
skip that part?)

Maybe some script (perl?) could convert the written-out
visited-links page into just the links gone to,
ordered in the order the user originally went to them.
Also including the h backup that it infers must have
been done.

Then, we simply feed that resulting file into lynx,
and via some simple look it just goes to those places,
backing off (eg "h"), simulating what had actually
gone on before.


Thanks for trying to read this thing.  It is soooo late!

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