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Re: lynx-dev Emacs + UTF-8 + Lynx: from INSIDE emacs???

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Emacs + UTF-8 + Lynx: from INSIDE emacs???
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 15:35:54 -0700

On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 08:31:20PM +0700, Sergei Pokrovsky wrote:
> There is a problem in using Lynx inside Emacs for the Unicode package.

Please explain what you are talking about, using a vi-like interface
INSIDE emacs.

If I want to use vi, I either use instead ex (colon-part of vi)
from *shell*, or flip to a different sun window, NOT emacs display,
eg shelltool (ancient, but works for me) and run vi THERE.

If I try using vi or more or anyof those cursor-directing programs
from INSIDE emacs, I get all this screen garbage.

Please, what ARE you talking about, running such a program,
eg lynx, from INSIDE emacs?


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