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Re: lynx-dev problem with select option in Japanese form

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev problem with select option in Japanese form
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:06:35 +0900 (JST)

> >
> > Hit return on the first [endo-mame] to expand the select option box.
> > If you move down to _soba_ or _kyukan_, doesn't the display become
> > corrupted?
> I checked but it seemed the display did not become corrupted.
> > I'm still using Lynx 2.8.4dev.4, compiled with Slang-1.4.1 (kanji
> > support=1), gcc version on Solaris 2.6.
> I use Lynx 2.8.4dev.6 with the patch "multibyte characters 
> in status line" of Hataguchi-san on Linux(Debian).
> Slang is of 1.3.9 and gcc of 2.95.2 (perhaps).

Okay, thanks for trying.  I updated to "dev.6 with the patch," but
I still have "shifting" of the characters as I move the cursor up
and down over the selections in the pop-up.  You must move over the
selection list; just expanding the box is not enough.

I tried both with screen running, and without, but I have the problem
either way.  It is not as bad as with dev4, but if I run the cursor
over _arufarufa_, the characters become unintelligible.  With dev4, the
background behind and to the right of the pop-up "shifted" even on the
last line.  Perhaps it's related to how the characters for drawing the
box are chosen?

> BTW, I am a bit surprised that such an examination is open
> to public ;-)

Finals are over with.  Anyway, I write new questions every year :-)


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