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Re: lynx-dev Why deleting config.cache?

From: Thomas E. Dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Why deleting config.cache?
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 07:00:44 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Adrian Bunk wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > > BTW: autoconf >= 2.50 does no longer create a config.cache unless you do
> > >      explicitely enable it.
> >
> > I'm aware of that but also seem to recall that >2.50 has broken 
> > so I'm not recommending its use until I've checked for that as well as 
> > retesting
> > the script to see what other breakage I should fix.  (Between seeing 2.5x
> > degrade rapidly into a nonconverging series of alpha releases - "2.52e" was
> > cited as a "release" - and lack of time on my part, I've not done that).
> I played a bit with getting lynx work with autoconf-2.52 and I did also
> see some problems.

right.  I'd rather not make a commitment to 2.5x in its current state.  I
do have a resync of my patch (which I use for ncurses, vile and several
other programs) against 2.50, but I see that patches to 2.5x come out
too frequently to regard any as a release.

> > while I'm replying to you (you seem to be the new Debian package maintainer
> > for lynx):
> Yes that's right. I do currently look through the bugs and I'll forward
> any bugs that not in the Debian packaging.

ok. I've reviewed through most of the bugs and - barring those that I
overlooked - fixed most of the ones that I know how.

> > I notice a shift in the Debian bug-reporting system: it used to be stated 
> > that
> > completed bugs would be removed when no further discussion had taken place
> > for a month.  However, much of the list for lynx is in that category.  (It
> > makes it hard to spot bugs that I haven't tried to fix).
> There wasn't a change it's still:
>    (Closed Bugs are cleaned out 28 days after the last related message is
>    received.)
> Notice the "Closed": Only when the bug is closed (that means it's either
> fixed in the package or it was an invalid bug report) it's being cleaned
> out (and even then it's still archived and available via [1]).

I pointed out for instance that mouse support on rxvt is a slang bug, not
related to lynx.  There are some others that can similarly be closed.
(xterm also has a number marked "done", which I gather is not the same
as "closed", since several have been in that state for months).

T.E.Dickey <address@hidden>

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