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Re: lynx-dev latest status on java script support?

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev latest status on java script support?
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:27:52 +0900 (JST)

> start on it again. Help is welcome. There doesn't seem to be   
> much interest in JS support as far as I can tell, however.

"Not much interest in JS support" does not really express my feeling.
While I may be considered "a stick in the mud", I think it is a more
constructive effort to try to rid the Internet of Javascript completely
rather than attempt to support it.  Providing support for Javascript
means you approve of it, IMHO.

But as a programming exercise, I don't want to dampen your spirit.  Just
the other day I had to wade through some Javascript to download a file
I absolutely needed.  Perhaps this concrete example will illustrate how
robust your implementation would need to be to make it useful.  Please
realize that this is a _simple_ example.  Most sites require going about
three levels deep, all javascript, to get to what you really want.


Example of using Lynx to manually retrieve information hidden in Javascript.
First generate the necessary form based on the original Asus document:
<form name="form2" method="post" action="mb_dl_menu.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="l1" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="l2" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="l3" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="mid" value="">

Then hardcode the values, or alternately change the type from hidden to
select, etc.  The order of the values to hardcode in was obtained from:
function download(mid, l2id,l3id)
        var strlnk
        document.form2.l1.value = 1
        document.form2.l2.value = l2id
        document.form2.l3.value = l3id
        document.form2.mid.value = mid

The values for the various motherboards can be found by searching the
document "mb_alllist.asp" for the motherboard you want, e.g., "KN97-X":

By manually entering the values, and then submitting the form, get a page
with links to download information:
        Link: ASUS Software | Motherboard Sofeware download menu

>From here just view the document source to find the file names and ftp

All of this could have been done in one elegant page!  But of course then
they couldn't harvest your e-mail address to sell to spammers.  Moral of
the story: avoid buying ASUS products as much as possible.  Of course almost
all makers are the same, so you can't buy motherboards.  Catch 22.

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