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Re: [Lynx-dev] RAW_TOGGLE is broken?

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] RAW_TOGGLE is broken?
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 23:01:58 +0400 (MSD)

16-May-2004 01:19 address@hidden wrote:
> I received a report that says RAW_TOGGLE ('@' key) may be broken.

> Starting Lynx by this command line, Lynx shows "(c)", which is expected.
>   % lynx -display_charset=us-ascii -assume_charset=utf-8 foo.txt

> On the other hand, starting Lynx by this command line and prss '@',
> Lynx shows blank page, nevertheless "(c)" is expected.
> # Because Lynx starts in raw mode and changes to normal mode by
> # pressing '@'.
>   % lynx -display_charset=us-ascii -assume_charset=utf-8 foo.txt -raw

I check your two cases, it looks correct to me:
1) assumed utf-8 character shows as (c) on us-ascii terminal (7-bit
approximation by lynx chartrans), and
2) -raw mode means input characters mapped directly to terminal
unless they are restricted by the terminal charset (both bytes >127
in your example, they are not available in us-ascii repertoire,
so they are ignored silently).

This was not changed since 2.8.3 at least.

I see the other starange thing here:
pressing '@' will not change anything for me with your sample,
switching cjk-mode in O)ption menu do change in fact.

> I doubt this change might break something, though I'm not sure.
>   | 2004-01-07 (2.8.5dev.17)
>   | [snip]
>   | * if a document is in the cache (the rendering is in memory), on reload it
>   |   should not be cleared from the cache until the connection to the server
> is
>   |   opened; if the connection fails, the user will reuse the old version
> (request
>   |   by IZ) -LP

> I tested Lynx2.8.6dev.3.

> p.s.
> I attached a sample ad hoc patch which improve above problem.  I think
> it must not be a correct patch, but I attached it because it may help
> you.
> --
> Takeshi Hataguchi
> E-mail: address@hidden

> diff -ru orig/lynx2-8-6/src/LYMainLoop.c lynx2-8-6/src/LYMainLoop.c
> --- orig/lynx2-8-6/src/LYMainLoop.c   Fri May  7 09:31:32 2004
> +++ lynx2-8-6/src/LYMainLoop.c        Sun May 16 00:54:18 2004
> @@ -4076,7 +4076,7 @@
>      }

>      HEAD_request = HTLoadedDocumentIsHEAD();
> -    HText_setNoCache(HTMainText);
> +    HTuncache_current_document();
>      /*
>       * Don't assume the reloaded document will be the same.  - FM

> --ATTACHMENT-- Binary file <foo.txt>

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> Lynx-dev mailing list
> address@hidden

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