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Re: [Lynx-dev] hyperlink's color with color-style

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] hyperlink's color with color-style
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 18:45:22 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 5 Nov 2006, address@hidden wrote:

I found a trouble with hyperlink's color with color-style.

hyperlinkColorTest.html has 11 hyperlinks.

 1. Open it, "image"'s color is as the same as normal text.
   # not expected.

This one I can understand (sounds like the lss filename is empty to obtain an non-color-style, otherwise I get yellow/green stuff). But the problem would be in the mapping of color-style to non-color-style.

 2. And press down-arrow 10 times, then "#link", "2", "5" and "8"'s
   color change to as the same as normal text.
   # not expected.

I'm not seeing this - testing with mlterm. However, I do see some problems with the options-menu (will check - may not be _my_ bug...)

 3. And press Ctrl+L, then "2", "5" and "8"'s color become as
   expected but "#link"'s color is still wrong.

I got the same unexpected results with
 2.8.6rel.2 on Debian stable with ncurses, color-style and D.C.S. is euc-jp
 2.8.6pre.3 on Debian stable with ncurses, color-style and D.C.S. is euc-jp
 2.8.6rel.1 on Windows      with PDCurses, color-style and D.C.S. is Shift_JIS
 # get from

command line: ./lynx -cfg=foo.cfg -lss=/dev/null hyperlinkColorTest.html

On the other hand, I got an expected results with
   2.8.6pre.3 on Debian stable with s-lang and without color-style.

command line: ./lynx -cfg=foo.cfg hyperlinkColorTest.html

So I think this is a problem concerned with color-sytle.
Takeshi Hataguchi
E-mail: address@hidden

Thomas E. Dickey

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