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[ #1340354] mailing list/DMARC assistance needed

From: Ian Kelling via RT
Subject: [ #1340354] mailing list/DMARC assistance needed
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 10:37:39 -0500

On Thu Nov 29 18:14:05 2018, karl wrote:
> I'll be very glad to know what can be done to ameliorate this. It
> looked to me like you had already set all the meaningful VERP stuff in
> /etc/mailman/, which I thought was all that there was to do?
> (Los Alamos wrote me about this too, in my capacity as
> administrator.)
> --thanks, karl.

Until we do the list upgrade, individual lists can mitigate this
by removing any footer additions and subject prefixes. Than
dkim signatures are only broken on replies, not non-replies.

After we upgrade, the plan is to implement that on all lists,
and that will solve the problem because dkim won't be broken.

The only way to keep footers and message prefixes is to use
one of these options in newer mailman:
from_is_list is not recommended I think we can agree.
dmarc_moderation_action would need to not be accept.
They all make strict DMARC sender's messages be
different than non-strict DMARC senders, which will be
confusing for list users, so we think it's better to avoid
those options. Since this is a policy decision, and some
people would probably rather have strict DMARC sender's
messages work differently, we will have to announce it
with a more detailed explanation, so please don't announce
this plan publicly until we do.

Ian Kelling | Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
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