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Re: first GNU make with debugger

From: R. Bernstein
Subject: Re: first GNU make with debugger
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 00:00:17 -0400

Bill Cox writes:
 > Great idea!  Could the debugger-mode read a startup file, like .make-db.rc?
 > Then I could use it to automatically dump *all* of make's generated 
 > commands,

I'll put it on the list (and it'll probably get done faster if you
are motivated to make a patch).  But until then 

make -X ... < .make-db.rc 

Will do sort of the same thing. The "sort of" part is because in a
finished debugger there is a stack of input file descriptors for
debugger input; when one is closed, that descriptor is popped
off and you go to the next one. 

Right now once make-db.rc closes, your access to debugger input is
gone. But this might be okay for what you describe.

 > despite the .SILENT, "@" and so on.  I often want to do this on a huge build
 > tree, recursively, so it would be good if the "-X" flag were passed down 
 > as well.

My guess is that you haven't actually tried this on the existing source. ;-)

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