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Proposed syntax for coincidental rules (was: Re: GNU make source code

From: Alessandro Vesely
Subject: Proposed syntax for coincidental rules (was: Re: GNU make source code
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 12:17:59 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)

Paul D. Smith wrote:
Anyway, a critical feature of GNU make is that it's conformant to the
POSIX standard for make.  Any new feature which broke that compatibility
would need to be considered very critically before being accepted.

Oh well, I'm not going to pay $900+ to look at POSIX specs.
However, the SUS is readable for free at the's.
From their prototypical man page for make it is fairly clear
that Henning Makholm's proposed syntax was not coherent. See
"Proposed syntax for static make-also rule"

SUSly, It looks it should be something like

.COINCIDENTAL: target1 target2 target3
target1 target2 target3: something
        cat something | tee target1 | tee target2 > target3

Would that work? Is that coherent?

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