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Re: How to check overall system Resources

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Re: How to check overall system Resources
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 10:25:24 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Srinath wrote:


> Is there any way that I can check the overall system CPU usage and memory
> usage without bothering about individual processes?

This is not yet possible... I gonna have a look at it adding up the CPU
usage like the mem usage.  Thus, it is possible to monitor the total
amount (w/ children) of init (supposedly pid=1).

> Monit allows to define a process and monitor CPU usage for that process.

Thats right.

> But I want to monitor overall CPU usage of all processes. Any help?

You can use alternatively the loadavg of 1min, 5min, or 15min.


Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197

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