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Re: [Monotone-devel] 'monotone changes'

From: Christof Petig
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] 'monotone changes'
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 13:12:01 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; de-AT; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041007 Debian/1.7.3-5

Nathaniel Smith schrieb:
So, I propose a new command 'monotone changes <id>', to print
something like

# Changes in 03a7939b9d9d9b392eb1916bb473703e5f0674c9:
# new_manifest [193419badef7fc26f95aa57072605e9ecb972d1b]
# # Changes versus parent revision
#    3d911390f293fe391f6a78d7df8b61e732fbcec1:
<output of 'monotone diff 3d91... 03a7...'>
<repeat if there are multiple parents>

  monotone diff 03a7939b9d9d9b392eb1916bb473703e5f0674c9 -1
solve this elegantly (even without more characters to type) (provided that -N get's implemented. Since we have a DAG determining the nth parent is non-ambiguous unless we hit a merge, but your command would have this problem, too.)

Supporting the +N notation would be much more difficult (+N might print a list of candidate IDs like monotone heads). But IMHO -N would cover most uses.

Exact format to be determined; there should probably be more of a
break between the stuff describing each parent, to make it easier to
split into valid patches and to scroll/search through.

Ah, I see. Changes is recursive, diff isn't. How do you solve the merge problem (stop output there?) Aside from that I see the need for this command.


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