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[Monotone-devel] New monotone-viz release

From: Olivier Andrieu
Subject: [Monotone-devel] New monotone-viz release
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 01:44:39 +0100


This is to announce the latest release of monotone-viz (0.12). 

It brings a couple of interesting improvements. In particular, the
drop-down combo box that was used to specified the branch to display
has been replaced by a dialog with more flexibility. Also the graph
view can be limited by date. When monotone-viz is run within a working
copy, it displays on startup the last 2 months of branch.

Also, the tarball now includes a local copy of LablGTK. Hopefully
this will make it easier to compile monotone-viz.

Here is the tarball:
and a linux x86 binary:

,----[ NEWS ]
| 0.12:
| - change the way displayed branches are selected: now one can view
|   any set of branches
| - allow the ancestry graph view to be limited by date
| - the `query' window now uses monotone selectors
| - change the reconnection algorithm
| - cert values can be copied to the clipboard (via a context menu)
| - DnD support: accept drops from a file manager
| - rewrite the sqlite bindings (use parsed statements now)

Hope you like it,

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