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[Monotone-devel] Re: New project: libmtn

From: Bruce Stephens
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: New project: libmtn
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2006 22:34:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Joel Rosdahl <address@hidden> writes:


> In Monotone, as well as Subversion, you can make whatever changes you
> want to your working copy and then commit. In Subversion, the merge
> command is just a way of making changes to the working copy.
> If you take recording of merge information into account, the situation
> is of course different, but since this discussion is in the context of
> conversion from CVS, merge information should be irrelevant.

Sure, and subversion doesn't at present even record merge information.
So my example wasn't very good.

> So, I'm probably missing something. I don't understand what you mean
> by "subversion [...] also does things for each file separately".

Imagine that rather than merging, you copied.  So you do:

        svn cp <url>/cvs2svn/trunk <url>/cvs2svn/branches/1.4.x

That *is* recorded.  Then, some time later, you do

        svn cp <url>/cvs2svn/trunk/cvs2svn.1 

That's also recorded.  Or you could do

        svn cp <url>/cvs2svn/branches/1.3.x/cvs2svn.1 

And you can do that not just for individual files, but for directories
too.  The history of things, including where they came from, is

It's not (in general) possible to draw a graph such as monotone-viz
does, for example: the set of files corresponding to a typical
workspace need not have a common history.

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