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[Monotone-devel] Re: PGP key signing

From: Bruce Stephens
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: PGP key signing
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 22:11:52 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ethan Blanton <address@hidden> writes:


> As an interesting contrast, I "trust" the key used to sign Linux
> Kernel releases, simply because it has been used for years to sign
> empirically "good" kernel releases in a public location for which
> bogosity would have been reported in some fashion in that span of
> time were it going on; this is not a secure trust relationship, but
> it is a sufficient indication that Things are As They Should Be for
> a quick download check.

I suspect it's more general than that.  My boss at the time (and my
current boss, as it happens) suggested years ago that signed email
might usefully use similar ideas: really I want to know that the email
is signed by the same key that a sequence of emails from that address
has used rather than that the key owner has paid money to some company
in the US.

So really what I want is a user agent that tracks identities
(including keys used for signing, email addresses, etc.)  that I see,
and lets me give some indication of my trust in the authorship of the
messages, and it could keep track of how much I ought to trust a
particular message based on past experience.  (I guess nowadays the
spam/not spam Bayesian buttons that many UAs have would be an obvious
analogy, but I think they weren't around then---or weren't so common,
anyway.)  (Of course, this presupposes that people generally sign
messages, which seems unlikely ever to be true; at the time we were
part of a merger with the company that did Simeon/Execmail, which did
PGP and S/MIME signing.)

And (obviously) maybe a VCS could use some kind of similar idea,
rather than trust always being binary.

So maybe when I do "mtn update", I could give some indication of how
lucky I feel, and then mtn could choose a revision that's either
completely tested and signed by people I definitely trust, or perhaps
a riskier one with possibly more features.

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