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[Monotone-devel] Re: Multiple projects in one database -- branch confusi

From: Steven E. Harris
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: Multiple projects in one database -- branch confusion
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 07:58:29 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) XEmacs/21.4.13 (cygwin32)

"Justin Patrin" <address@hidden> writes:

> It says it right up there in the doc you quoted.
> " such a way that propagate can be used to keep the contained
> project up-to-date."
> Meaning if you propagate as above it will propagate into the dir.

Sorry, yes, that part does seem obvious per the documentation. I
realize now I hadn't asked my entire question.

Say I use merge_into_dir as discussed, get the files on the target
"prototype" branch in a new directory ("experiment"), then decide I
want to start moving them around within the tree. Maybe I move
/experiment/one.txt  to /six.txt:

,----[ project.prototype ]
| ./
| | one.txt
| | four.txt
| +-experiment/
|     one.txt       ------------+
`----                           |
changes to:                     |
,----[ project.prototype ]      |
| ./                            |
| | one.txt                     |
| | four.txt                    |
| | six.txt         <-----------+
| +-experiment/

Now, /six.txt used to be /experiment/one.txt, which is known as
/one.txt in the "project.experiment" branch.

If I use propagate now from project.experiment to project.prototype,
will monotone be able to follow the relocated file?

Steven E. Harris

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