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[Monotone-devel] Thoughts about Modules (request for comments)

From: Robert White
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Thoughts about Modules (request for comments)
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 00:28:55 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

So here is five of the most dangerous words in computing:

So I have been thinking...

A lot of people who use CVS don't really use modules. Some of us do. I am a huge fan of modules because of the need to make stable builds in a world where projects need to share sub-projects. In particular template libraries and such.

Monotone doesn't have a modules file, and the way it is designed it really _cant_ have one.

But if you decompose the way modules really work in CVS and abstract that to the manifest system there is a way to do it. Essentially you need to consider that when you checkout a complicated directory tree where sub-trees are deferred into other projects (or segments thereof, but we really don't need subsegments).

So in the manifest system we need a way to say "don't descend this sub-tree" and we orthogonally need a way to tell the system what we want in that tree. So what we really have is a Bad "Directory, No Donut" designator in the Manifest. So we take "file:" and "dir:" and we add "module:".

Now a module entry needs three data. First is a directory name, because just like "dir:" we are describing a sub directory. Next we need a branch name. Finally we need a revision ID for the manifest the contents of the module.

Now the module itself is, in every respect a full and normal checkout of a branch. That is, if we went to that directory and issued various mtn commands, there would be no knowledge "in the module" that its directory was part of a larger hierarchy. So a branch in a module directory is just like a branch everywhere else.

Now, because we know how to deal with the whole _MTN directory (etc), when we are in a branch that contains one or more modules, we can do most of our operations (update etc) just by invoking the mtn core recursively on the module/branch directories. Generally you would look in the manifest and/or revision files and find all the modules and invoke on them before you start really working on your branch-local files.

So when we get through dealing with our modules we invoke on ourselves.

Now there are two basic ways we are going to want to get files out of the system. By branch and by specific version/tag. This is why we store the branch and the revision ID in the module tag in the manifest. If you fetch by branch (and update etc) you will get the module sub directory by the branch id stored therein. If you fetch by tag, you would first try to fetch the branch by the tag specified (cause it _should_ be there since operations are recursive), and if we cannot find the branch with the tag, then we get the branch by the revision ID of the manifest of the module branch. And when we are doing the commits (etc) we can find the manifest revision id because we know the manifest will be in the module_dir/_MTN file.

Storing both data lets us to the full manifest "exact tree" checkout but we can still do the head, fork, update

There will probably be some feature flag kind of thing possible so that you can "not recurse" into modules etc.

The recursive nature and the simple designations should fit into the monotone model very well.


-- Rob White
Renton, WA.

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