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[Monotone-devel] Issue 130 - databse-optional commands require a databas

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Issue 130 - databse-optional commands require a database now (monotone)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:31:28 GMT


A new issue has been created and assigned
to you:

130 - databse-optional commands require a database now
Project: monotone
Status: New
Reported by: Timothy Brownawell
 Type:Incorrect Behavior


Steps to reproduce the problem:

1. mtn privkey $KEY --no-workspace
2. mtn genkey address@hidden --no-workspace
3. mtn ls keys --no-workspace

Expected result:
Those should all work.

Actual results:
mtn: misuse: no database specified

Output of `mtn version --full`:
3903ea47e7b1a656e0695f10d57bc0e9deca205b (current head; probably broken by the 
"don't assume :memory:" fix)

There is a database::database_specified() that a few places use to check 
whether there really is a db. Previously constructing a database object without 
an actual database would work, and it would only error out when you tried to 
use it. Possibly instead we want something like

class maybe_database {
  // we own it
  shared_ptr<database> const _db;
  // we don't own it
  database * const __db;
  explicit maybe_database(app_state & app)
    : _db(app.opts.dbname_given ? new database(app) : 0),
      __db(0) { }
  /*explicit*/ maybe_database(database & db)
    : __db(&db) { }
  bool exists() const { return _db || __db; }
  database & get() const {
    if (_db) return *_db;
    if (__db) return *__db;

and then things that currently call database::database_specified() would 
instead accept one of these.


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