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[Nano-devel] [PATCH] possible new feature: option --edgecolumn that show

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: [Nano-devel] [PATCH] possible new feature: option --edgecolumn that shows a vertical guiding bar
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 21:00:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.1

Op 27-02-19 om 21:08 schreef David Ramsey:
> For the record, I'd find this feature useful.

Okay.  That's enough confirmation for me.  I will probably use this
feature too, for example to put 'editor = "nano -J75 +1"' in .gitconfig
to help avoid making commit messages too wide.

> Although reusing
> the error color for this seems like a misuse of the error color.

Of course.  Like the commit message said: the color needs to become
configurable, meaning that it needs to have its own color name.

> I also agree that the --edgecolumn name isn't the best, but I haven't
> thought of anything better yet.  Slackware's slack-desc files generally
> contain a line in their comments indicating the last column they'll
> display, which is referred to as the "handy ruler".  In the same sense,
> maybe something with "ruler" in it would work as a better name?

Hmm.  A ruler in my eyes is mostly used horizontally.  That's why I
used the word "column" to convey the verticalness of the line -- the
word "line" itself is too much tied to a horizontal line of text.

So now I'm thinking of: --marginstripe, --limitstripe, --brinkstripe.


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