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Re: [Openvds-clients] Webmin Control Panels

From: Eje Gustafsson
Subject: Re: [Openvds-clients] Webmin Control Panels
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:00:13 -0600

Hello Clint,

Tuesday, December 11, 2001, 11:17:52 AM, you wrote:

CN> I think that we are all in agreement that we need to start working with
CN> Webmin as a base for our client administration scripts... I have some
CN> ideas that maybe we could all have some input on.

CN> The scripts as a whole would be comprised of 3 separate scripts
CN> (programs whatever).

CN> 1 - An end-user version of webmin - This would be a dumbed down version
CN> of webmin.. taking out all of the root and non-vds specific stuff from
CN> webmin, such as the hard-disk modules and the network configuration
CN> modules. This would also run as the admin-pseudo user rather than root.
CN> This way it executes commands in the same exact manner as the admin user
CN> would through telnet, and no added security risks. Also whether this
CN> runs as an apache version or the version is of no security
CN> consequence. If it is to be a stand-alone, it should run on a different
CN> port than the standard webmin install.. so that for the network
CN> recognition features of webmin... it will not find every single VDS
CN> running the control panel. We don't want our customers to be able to see
CN> how many customers we have and where they are on the network. Even if we
CN> axe this all together from the client version, that would be best. But
CN> at the server admin version.. it would not find every VDS version.

Why dumb it down. Why not make a simple end user group and do it on an
ACL level instead ? All the ACL stuff is in place in webmin.

I got end users that I give access for example to ONLY DNSing and ONLY
to THEIR domains and can not create new domains and a few other
limitations. All by standard webmin and it's default ACL controls.
Basically what we would need is a separate end user module that would
have to be build and the end users only get access to this single
module (settings on the user can be to go to their module if they only
have one that way they would be put right away in the right place).

CN> 2 - The server version. This would be a standard webmin install.. all
CN> features intact. From here the network recognition could take place as
CN> normal.. allowing a network admin to locate and administer every VDS
CN> server (physical server) on the network.

Pretty much same here. Just use default webmin add a VDS server module
in which you can do all administrative tasks you want for the VDS and
at the same time have normal server access to do standard tasks.

CN> 3 - A webmin VDS module. The network recognition here would only find
CN> the VDS version control panels for the server they are logged in on.
CN> (basically the same method only searching for webmin on the other port).
>>From there the admin could administer all of the VDS's under that
CN> server, such as add/remove/edit VDS's/users/software.

Now your on it. A module that gives access to only the VS and the
stuff you want to allow him/her to do on it.

CN> Any thoughts on that?

CN> Clint Nelissen - Technician
CN> Digital Internet Services Corporation
CN> Phone - 760-776-0800 x 300
CN> Fax - 760-776-0076

CN> _______________________________________________
CN> Openvds-clients mailing list
CN> address@hidden

Best regards,
 Eje Gustafsson                       mailto:address@hidden
The Family Entertainment Network
Phone : 620-231-7777                  Fax   : 620-231-4066
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