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[Pgubook-readers] Problems with Chapter5 Concepts

From: Liam
Subject: [Pgubook-readers] Problems with Chapter5 Concepts
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 07:29:21 -0800 (PST)

Hi all,

I am having trouble wrapping my head around chapter 5.
 Every time I write a program that opens files, I get
a segmentation fault.  I am trying to keep it as
simple as possible with the following code:

Note: the program is named test.s and you give the
name of the file you wish to create like so:  ./test.s

..section .data
..section .bss
..lcomm BUFFER, 500
..section .text
..globl _start
  movl %esp, %ebp  #setup for referencing the stack
  #Open/Create the file we are writing to
  movl $5, %eax
  movl 8( %ebp ), %ebx
  movl $03101, %ecx
  movl $0666, %edx
  int $0x80
  movl ( %eax ), %ebx    #save the fd

  #close the file
  movl $6, %eax
  int $0x80

The file gets created, however, I get a segmentation
fault.  If anyone could tell me why I am getting these
segmentation faults, it would be greatly appreciated.


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