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[Pika-dev] SCM_LSET question

From: Andreas Rottmann
Subject: [Pika-dev] SCM_LSET question
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 12:49:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)


I just noticed I missed to use SCM_LSET in my list functions. I'm not
totally clear about this macro. It's to be used for setting locals,
which are protected by SCM_PROTECT_FRAME. However, those can be set by
function calls, like scm_make_false (&l.bar, arena). Since the code in
scm_make_false doesn't use SCM_LSET for setting l.bar, this leads me
to the question if there shouldn't be a macro like SCM_RSET (for
result-set) or if SCM_LSET can't be dropped...

Andreas Rottmann         | address@hidden      | address@hidden | address@hidden
http://yi.org/rotty      | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint              | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

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