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Re: [Pika-dev] lists--patch-4: list fixes, alist functions

From: Tom Lord
Subject: Re: [Pika-dev] lists--patch-4: list fixes, alist functions
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 12:54:49 -0800 (PST)

Ok.... yr all merged up with me.  I've also caught up with the parts
of jivera's code that you had merged that I hadn't.

Looks nice and thanks for all this.

I'd like to ask a favor:

Currently, we have a little tangled mess of patch flow in which
merging is happening like this:

             ^      ^
            /        \
           /          V
        jivera <---> lord 

Given that we are tending to still make sweeping changes that effect
overlapping regions, things will generally work out much better if we 
stick to a star-topology patch flow and use star-merge.   So I'd like
to have a patch flow like:

                  ,-----> lord
        jivera <--

In other words, using my tree as a hub via which you and jivera stay
in sync rather than having you merge from him directly.

To get from our current state to the desired state, could you please
run the following pseudo-code algorithm:

        foreach v in your-pika-scm-versions ; do

           # get my latest:
           tla get address@hidden/scm--devo--0.1 $v.dir

           # add in any changes you have that i haven't merged
           # (possibly a noop)
           tla replay -d $v.dir  $v

           [fix up any conflicts etc.]

           # turn the resulting tree into a project tree for _your_ 
           # version
           tla set-tree-version -d $v.dir $v

           # and commit
           tla commit -d $v.dir -L 'sync with lord'


and then, thereafter, star-merge from me rather than jivera and get on
my case if jivera has some change that you need but I haven't yet

(I've merged, btw, both your integration branch and the lists branch.)


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