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[Pingus-CVS] r2860 - in branches/pingus_sdl: . contrib

From: grumbel at BerliOS
Subject: [Pingus-CVS] r2860 - in branches/pingus_sdl: . contrib
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 17:58:54 +0200

Author: grumbel
Date: 2007-08-12 17:58:54 +0200 (Sun, 12 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 2860

- unneeded files

Deleted: branches/pingus_sdl/contrib/list-project.scm
--- branches/pingus_sdl/contrib/list-project.scm        2007-08-12 14:28:31 UTC 
(rev 2859)
+++ branches/pingus_sdl/contrib/list-project.scm        2007-08-12 15:58:54 UTC 
(rev 2860)
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-(use-modules (srfi srfi-13))
-(define (file->list filename)
-  (let ((port (open-input-file filename))
-        (lst  '()))
-    (let loop ((line (read-line port)))
-      (cond ((not (eof-object? line))
-             (set! lst (cons line lst))
-             (loop (read-line port)))))
-    (close port)
-    (reverse lst)))
-(define (filter pred? objects)
-  (let loop ((objs objects)
-            (result '()))
-    (cond ((null? objs) (reverse! result))
-         ((pred? (car objs)) (loop (cdr objs) (cons (car objs) result)))
-         (else (loop (cdr objs) result)))))
-(define (strip-comment line)
-  (let ((comment-start (string-index line #\#)))
-    (if comment-start
-        (substring line 0 comment-start)
-        line)))
-(define (line-empty? line)
-  (let ((l (string-length line))
-        (line-empty #t))
-    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-        ((or (not (< i l))
-             (not line-empty)))
-      (if (not (char-whitespace? (string-ref line i)))
-          (set! line-empty #f)))
-    line-empty))
-(define (last-char line)
-  (string-ref line (- (string-length line) 1)))
-(define (merge-and-clean current-line lines)
-  (cond ((null? lines) ;; end of file
-         (if (and current-line (not (line-empty? current-line)))
-             (cons current-line '())
-             '()))
-        (else ;; lines to parse still there
-         (let ((next-line (car lines)))
-           (cond ((line-empty? next-line)
-                  (if current-line
-                      (cons current-line (merge-and-clean #f (cdr lines)))
-                      (merge-and-clean #f (cdr lines))))
-                 (else
-                  (cond ((char=? #\\ (last-char next-line))
-                         (if current-line
-                             (merge-and-clean (string-append current-line
-                                                             (substring 
-                                                                        0
-                                                                        (- 
(string-length next-line) 1)))
-                                              (cdr lines))
-                             (merge-and-clean (substring next-line 0 (- 
(string-length next-line) 1))
-                                              (cdr lines))))
-                        (else
-                         (if current-line
-                             (cons (string-append current-line next-line)
-                                   (merge-and-clean #f (cdr lines)))
-                             (cons next-line (merge-and-clean #f (cdr lines)))
-                             )))))))))
-(define ( line)
-  (cond ((or (< (length line) 3)
-             (not (string=? (cadr line) "=")))
-         '(unknown line))
-        (else
-         (list 'variable (car line) (cddr line)))))
-(define ( content)
-  (cond ((null? content)
-         '())
-        (else
-         (let ((line (car content)))
-           (cons ( (string-tokenize line))
-                 ( (cdr content))
-                 )))))
-(define ( filename)
-  (let* ((plain-content    (file->list filename))
-         (filtered-content (merge-and-clean #f (map strip-comment 
-    ( filtered-content)))
-(define (dump-source-files filename)
-  (let ((parse-tree ( filename))
-        (dname      (dirname filename)))
-    (dump-source-files-tree dname parse-tree)))
-(define (suffix? suffix line)
-  (cond ((<= (string-length suffix)
-             (string-length line))
-         (string=? (substring line (- (string-length line) (string-length 
-                   suffix))
-        (else
-         #f)))
-(define (dump-source-files-tree dname tree)
-  (cond ((null? tree)
-         '())
-        (else
-         (let ((type (caar tree)))
-           (case type
-             ((variable)
-              (cond ((suffix? "SOURCES" (cadar tree))
-                     (append (map (lambda (filename)
-                                    (string-append dname "/" filename))
-                                  (caddar tree))
-                             (dump-source-files-tree dname (cdr tree))))
-                    (else
-                     ;;(display (car tree))(newline)
-                     (dump-source-files-tree dname (cdr tree)))))
-             (else
-              (dump-source-files-tree dname (cdr tree))))))))
-(for-each (lambda (file)
-            (format #t "~A\n" file))
-          (sort (append (dump-source-files "src/colliders/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/particles/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/input/axes/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/input/pointers/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/input/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/input/scrollers/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/input/buttons/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/gui/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/sound/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/worldobjs/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/worldmap/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/movers/")
-                        (dump-source-files "src/actions/")
-                        (dump-source-files 
-                string<=?))
-;; EOF ;;
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: branches/pingus_sdl/
--- branches/pingus_sdl/    2007-08-12 14:28:31 UTC (rev 2859)
+++ branches/pingus_sdl/    2007-08-12 15:58:54 UTC (rev 2860)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-guile -s contrib/list-project.scm > data/po/POTFILES
-# EOF #

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