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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2 1/2] tests.acceptance: adds multi vm capabili

From: Wainer dos Santos Moschetta
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2 1/2] tests.acceptance: adds multi vm capability for acceptance tests
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 15:48:19 -0200
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On 01/29/2019 09:30 AM, Caio Carrara wrote:
Hi, Wainer.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 05:42:24PM -0200, Wainer dos Santos Moschetta wrote:
On 01/28/2019 03:47 PM, Caio Carrara wrote:
This change adds the possibility to write acceptance tests with multi
virtual machine support. It's done keeping the virtual machines objects
stored in a test attribute (dictionary). This dictionary shouldn't be
accessed directly but through the new method added `get_vm`. This new
method accept a list of args (that will be added as virtual machine
arguments) and an optional name argument. The name is the key that
identify a single virtual machine along the test machines available. If
a name without a machine is informed a new machine will be instantiated.

The current usage of vm in tests will not be broken by this change since
it keeps a property called vm in the base test class. This property only
calls the new method `get_vm` with default parameters (no args and
'default' as machine name).
I've checked that current tests does not break by this change. I also
checked the example you provided on docs/devel/testing.rst works too.

So Tested-by: Wainer dos Santos Moschetta <address@hidden>

Signed-off-by: Caio Carrara <address@hidden>
   docs/devel/testing.rst                    | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
   tests/acceptance/avocado_qemu/__init__.py | 25 +++++++++++---
   2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/devel/testing.rst b/docs/devel/testing.rst
index 18e2c0868a..b97c0368bc 100644
--- a/docs/devel/testing.rst
+++ b/docs/devel/testing.rst
@@ -634,7 +634,45 @@ instance, available at ``self.vm``.  Because many tests 
will tweak the
   QEMU command line, launching the QEMUMachine (by using ``self.vm.launch()``)
   is left to the test writer.
-At test "tear down", ``avocado_qemu.Test`` handles the QEMUMachine
+The base test class has also support for tests with more than one
+QEMUMachine. The way to get machines is through the ``self.get_vm()``
+method which will return a QEMUMachine instance. The ``self.get_vm()``
+method also accepts an optional `name` attribute so you can identify a
+specific machine and get it more than once through the tests methods. A
+simple and hypothetical example follows:
Since you explain the self.get_vm() optional name attribute, you also could
mention it accepts arguments to be passed to the newly created VM.

+.. code::
+  from avocado_qemu import Test
+  class MultipleMachines(Test):
+      """
+      :avocado: enable
+      """
+      def test_multiple_machines(self):
+          first_machine = self.get_vm()
+          second_machine = self.get_vm()
+          self.get_vm(name='third_machine').launch()
+          first_machine.launch()
+          second_machine.launch()
+          first_res = first_machine.command(
+              'human-monitor-command',
+              command_line='info version')
+          second_res = second_machine.command(
+              'human-monitor-command',
+              command_line='info version')
+          third_res = self.get_vm(name='third_machine').command(
+              'human-monitor-command',
+              command_line='info version')
+          self.assertEquals(first_res, second_res, third_res)
+At test "tear down", ``avocado_qemu.Test`` handles all the QEMUMachines
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/avocado_qemu/__init__.py 
index 1e54fd5932..4c9e27feda 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/avocado_qemu/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/acceptance/avocado_qemu/__init__.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   import os
   import sys
+import uuid
   import avocado
@@ -42,13 +43,29 @@ def pick_default_qemu_bin():
   class Test(avocado.Test):
       def setUp(self):
-        self.vm = None
+        self._vms = {}
           self.qemu_bin = self.params.get('qemu_bin',
           if self.qemu_bin is None:
               self.cancel("No QEMU binary defined or found in the source tree")
-        self.vm = QEMUMachine(self.qemu_bin)
+    def _new_vm(self, *args):
+        vm = QEMUMachine(self.qemu_bin)
+        if args:
+            vm.add_args(*args)
+        return vm
+    @property
+    def vm(self):
+        return self.get_vm(name='default')
+    def get_vm(self, *args, name=None):
+        if not name:
+            name = str(uuid.uuid4())
Beware that if you don't give a name to the VM, the only way to access it
later is to keep the reference returned by get_vm(). Do you think it is
something we should care about? or assume the test writer handle this
(unlikely?) case somehow?
I think it's something e should assume the test writer is going to

Fair enough.

- Wainer

- Wainer

+        if self._vms.get(name) is None:
+            self._vms[name] = self._new_vm(*args)
+        return self._vms[name]
       def tearDown(self):
-        if self.vm is not None:
-            self.vm.shutdown()
+        for vm in self._vms.values():
+            vm.shutdown()

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