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[PATCH v1 2/9] qapi: golang: Generate qapi's alternate types in Go

From: Victor Toso
Subject: [PATCH v1 2/9] qapi: golang: Generate qapi's alternate types in Go
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:25:37 +0200

This patch handles QAPI alternate types and generates data structures
in Go that handles it.

Alternate types are similar to Union but without a discriminator that
can be used to identify the underlying value on the wire. It is needed
to infer it. In Go, most of the types [*] are mapped as optional
fields and Marshal and Unmarshal methods will be handling the data


  | { 'alternate': 'BlockdevRef',
  |   'data': { 'definition': 'BlockdevOptions',
  |             'reference': 'str' } }

  | type BlockdevRef struct {
  |         Definition *BlockdevOptions
  |         Reference  *string
  | }

  | input := `{"driver":"qcow2","data-file":"/some/place/my-image"}`
  | k := BlockdevRef{}
  | err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &k)
  | if err != nil {
  |     panic(err)
  | }
  | // *k.Definition.Qcow2.DataFile.Reference == "/some/place/my-image"

[*] The exception for optional fields as default is to Types that can
accept JSON Null as a value like StrOrNull and BlockdevRefOrNull. For
this case, we translate Null with a boolean value in a field called
IsNull. This will be explained better in the documentation patch of
this series but the main rationale is around Marshaling to and from
JSON and Go data structures.


 | { 'alternate': 'StrOrNull',
 |   'data': { 's': 'str',
 |             'n': 'null' } }

 | type StrOrNull struct {
 |     S      *string
 |     IsNull bool
 | }

Signed-off-by: Victor Toso <victortoso@redhat.com>
 scripts/qapi/golang.py | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 185 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/qapi/golang.py b/scripts/qapi/golang.py
index 87081cdd05..43dbdde14c 100644
--- a/scripts/qapi/golang.py
+++ b/scripts/qapi/golang.py
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import os
-from typing import List, Optional
+from typing import Tuple, List, Optional
 from .schema import (
+    QAPISchemaAlternateType,
@@ -38,6 +39,76 @@
+// Creates a decoder that errors on unknown Fields
+// Returns nil if successfully decoded @from payload to @into type
+// Returns error if failed to decode @from payload to @into type
+func StrictDecode(into interface{}, from []byte) error {
+    dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(string(from)))
+    dec.DisallowUnknownFields()
+    if err := dec.Decode(into); err != nil {
+        return err
+    }
+    return nil
+// Only implemented on Alternate types that can take JSON NULL as value.
+// This is a helper for the marshalling code. It should return true only when
+// the Alternate is empty (no members are set), otherwise it returns false and
+// the member set to be Marshalled.
+type AbsentAlternate interface {
+       ToAnyOrAbsent() (any, bool)
+    }} else if s.{var_name} != nil {{
+        return *s.{var_name}, false'''
+    if s.{var_name} != nil {{
+        return json.Marshal(s.{var_name})
+    }} else '''
+    // Check for {var_type}
+    {{
+        s.{var_name} = new({var_type})
+        if err := StrictDecode(s.{var_name}, data); err == nil {{
+            return nil
+        }}
+        s.{var_name} = nil
+    }}
+func (s *{name}) ToAnyOrAbsent() (any, bool) {{
+    if s != nil {{
+        if s.IsNull {{
+            return nil, false
+        }}
+    }}
+    return nil, true
+func (s {name}) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {{
+    {marshal_check_fields}
+    return {marshal_return_default}
+func (s *{name}) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {{
+    {unmarshal_check_fields}
+    return fmt.Errorf("Can't convert to {name}: %s", string(data))
 def gen_golang(schema: QAPISchema,
                output_dir: str,
@@ -46,27 +117,135 @@ def gen_golang(schema: QAPISchema,
+def qapi_to_field_name(name: str) -> str:
+    return name.title().replace("_", "").replace("-", "")
 def qapi_to_field_name_enum(name: str) -> str:
     return name.title().replace("-", "")
+def qapi_schema_type_to_go_type(qapitype: str) -> str:
+    schema_types_to_go = {
+            'str': 'string', 'null': 'nil', 'bool': 'bool', 'number':
+            'float64', 'size': 'uint64', 'int': 'int64', 'int8': 'int8',
+            'int16': 'int16', 'int32': 'int32', 'int64': 'int64', 'uint8':
+            'uint8', 'uint16': 'uint16', 'uint32': 'uint32', 'uint64':
+            'uint64', 'any': 'any', 'QType': 'QType',
+    }
+    prefix = ""
+    if qapitype.endswith("List"):
+        prefix = "[]"
+        qapitype = qapitype[:-4]
+    qapitype = schema_types_to_go.get(qapitype, qapitype)
+    return prefix + qapitype
+def qapi_field_to_go_field(member_name: str, type_name: str) -> Tuple[str, 
str, str]:
+    # Nothing to generate on null types. We update some
+    # variables to handle json-null on marshalling methods.
+    if type_name == "null":
+        return "IsNull", "bool", ""
+    # This function is called on Alternate, so fields should be ptrs
+    return qapi_to_field_name(member_name), 
qapi_schema_type_to_go_type(type_name), "*"
+# Helper function for boxed or self contained structures.
+def generate_struct_type(type_name, args="") -> str:
+    args = args if len(args) == 0 else f"\n{args}\n"
+    with_type = f"\ntype {type_name}" if len(type_name) > 0 else ""
+    return f'''{with_type} struct {{{args}}}
+def generate_template_alternate(self: QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor,
+                                name: str,
+                                variants: Optional[QAPISchemaVariants]) -> str:
+    absent_check_fields = ""
+    variant_fields = ""
+    # to avoid having to check accept_null_types
+    nullable = False
+    if name in self.accept_null_types:
+        # In QEMU QAPI schema, only StrOrNull and BlockdevRefOrNull.
+        nullable = True
+        marshal_return_default = '''[]byte("{}"), nil'''
+        marshal_check_fields = '''
+        if s.IsNull {
+            return []byte("null"), nil
+        } else '''
+        unmarshal_check_fields = '''
+        // Check for json-null first
+            if string(data) == "null" {
+                s.IsNull = true
+                return nil
+            }
+        '''
+    else:
+        marshal_return_default = f'nil, errors.New("{name} has empty fields")'
+        marshal_check_fields = ""
+        unmarshal_check_fields = f'''
+            // Check for json-null first
+            if string(data) == "null" {{
+                return errors.New(`null not supported for {name}`)
+            }}
+        '''
+    for var in variants.variants:
+        var_name, var_type, isptr = qapi_field_to_go_field(var.name, 
+        variant_fields += f"\t{var_name} {isptr}{var_type}\n"
+        # Null is special, handled first
+        if var.type.name == "null":
+            assert nullable
+            continue
+        if nullable:
+            absent_check_fields += 
+        marshal_check_fields += 
+        unmarshal_check_fields += 
+    content = generate_struct_type(name, variant_fields)
+    if nullable:
+        content += TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_NULLABLE.format(name=name,
+    content += TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_METHODS.format(name=name,
+    return content
 class QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor(QAPISchemaVisitor):
     def __init__(self, _: str):
-        types = ["enum"]
+        types = ["alternate", "enum", "helper"]
         self.target = {name: "" for name in types}
+        self.objects_seen = {}
         self.schema = None
         self.golang_package_name = "qapi"
+        self.accept_null_types = []
     def visit_begin(self, schema):
         self.schema = schema
+        # We need to be aware of any types that accept JSON NULL
+        for name, entity in self.schema._entity_dict.items():
+            if not isinstance(entity, QAPISchemaAlternateType):
+                # Assume that only Alternate types accept JSON NULL
+                continue
+            for var in  entity.variants.variants:
+                if var.type.name == 'null':
+                    self.accept_null_types.append(name)
+                    break
         # Every Go file needs to reference its package name
         for target in self.target:
             self.target[target] = f"package {self.golang_package_name}\n"
+        self.target["helper"] += TEMPLATE_HELPER
+        self.target["alternate"] += TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE
     def visit_end(self):
         self.schema = None
@@ -88,7 +267,10 @@ def visit_alternate_type(self: QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor,
                              features: List[QAPISchemaFeature],
                              variants: QAPISchemaVariants
                              ) -> None:
-        pass
+        assert name not in self.objects_seen
+        self.objects_seen[name] = True
+        self.target["alternate"] += generate_template_alternate(self, name, 
     def visit_enum_type(self: QAPISchemaGenGolangVisitor,
                         name: str,

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