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Re:[Qexo-general] Function return value,create library module

From: Jun Yu
Subject: Re:[Qexo-general] Function return value,create library module
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 23:59:20 +0100 (MET)

Dear Per,
Thanks a lot lot for your help. Now it works.
I am trying to make the authtication function as library module. There
are lots of place to need to use this function.
So I create a file named "authenticate.xq" as my library module:
module "myAuthenticate";
define function authenticate($username as string, $password as string) as
boolean {
let $session:=document("session.xml")/login
  if ($session/username=$username and $session/password=$password) then

Here the namespace of module I only use a string "myAuthenticate", not a
URL string. Because I do not want an URL string.

Then, in my other XQuery files such as "update.xql", I try to use:
let $login_user:=request-parameter("username"),
   import module "myAuthenticate" at "authenticate.xq";
   if (authenticate($login_user,$login_password))  then ( ...)
   else (...)

I am using XQuery as Servlets. All the XQuery and XML files are in
The kawa program kawa-1.7.90.jar is placed in $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib of
when I run the XQuery "update.xql", I got these messages:
update.xql:84:18: missing expression
update.xql:84:18: missing '}' or ','
update.xql:84:37: missing '}' or ','
update.xql:84:57: missing '}' or ','
The Line 84 is just the line 'import module "myAuthenticate" at
"authenticate.xq"; '.
Is it possible to implement library module in Servlets ?

I made another experiment. I put authenticate.xq to the directory 
and compiled it using:
java -jar kawa-1.7.90.jar --xquery -C ./authenticate.xq

The system prompts:
(compiling ./authenticate.xq)
./authenticate.xq:1:8: node test when focus is undefined
./authenticate.xq:1:23: confused by syntax error
./authenticate.xq:1:24: missing expression
./authenticate.xq:1:24: confused by syntax error

Thanks for giving directions.

Sincerely yours,
Jun Yu

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