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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] More newby Qs: list of changed files, server-si

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] More newby Qs: list of changed files, server-side diffs
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:16:58 -0800

>>>>> "BB" == Bud P Bruegger <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Tue, 3 Dec 2002 19:52:18 +0100

  BB> I tried to modify it such that it shows the type of change:
  BB> (new, modified, deleted) -- but there is still some problem that
  BB> I can't figure out.

  BB> My modified version of ListChangedSince in Main.py are attached
  BB> below.

  BB> The problem is that I can't recognize deleted files.  I would
  BB> have expected get_rids_recursive(...).inc_list to include
  BB> increment files of type "snapshot".  But they don't seem to be
  BB> listed.  What am I doing wrong?

Hi, sorry for the delay.  Your patch looks good; I committed it to CVS
with some modifications (new version below).  However, it is
impossible from just looking at the increments, to tell whether a file
was deleted.  Suppose a regular file is deleted, or suppose it gets
replaced by a symlink.  Or suppose the permissions on a device file
get changed.  All of these result in a snapshot, so we can't tell what
happened by noting the fact that there is a snapshot.  If you want
this information, you could try using RestoreCombinedData objects
instead of RestoreIncrementData.

  BB> Also, something that I plastered over with an if statement but
  BB> don't understand is that for some rids in
  BB> get_rids_recursive(...), rid.index seems empty.

rid.index can be the empty tuple () when processing the root, but it
should never be None.

  BB> PS. Beware, the version below has spaces instead of tabs for
  BB> indenting (the standard setting of my editor)...

Maybe spaces are more standard.  This all started when I couldn't
figure out how to tell XEmacs's python mode to indent with 4 spaces.
Maybe I should try to figure that out again and then switch.  Tabs
still seem more logical to me though.

Ben Escoto

def ListChangedSince(rp):
        """List all the files under rp that have changed since restoretime"""
        try: rest_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
        except Time.TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
        mirror_root, index = restore_get_root(rp)
        Globals.rbdir = datadir = mirror_root.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
        mirror_time = Restore.get_mirror_time()

        def get_rids_recursive(rid):
                """Yield all the rids under rid that have inc newer than 
                yield rid
                for sub_rid in Restore.yield_rids(rid, rest_time, mirror_time):
                        for sub_sub_rid in get_rids_recursive(sub_rid): yield 

        def determineChangeType(incList):
                "returns the type of change determined from incList"
                assert len(incList) > 0
                last_inc_type = incList[-1].getinctype() # examine earliest 
                if last_inc_type == 'snapshot': return "misc change"
                elif last_inc_type == 'missing': return "new file"
                elif last_inc_type == 'diff': return "modified"
                elif last_inc_type == 'dir': return "dir change"
                else: return "Unknown!"

        inc_rpath = datadir.append_path('increments', index)
        inc_list = Restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath)
        root_rid = RestoreIncrementData(index, inc_rpath, inc_list)
        for rid in get_rids_recursive(root_rid):
                if rid.inc_list:
                        if not rid.index: path = "."
                        else: path = "/".join(rid.index)
                        print "%-11s: %s" % (determineChangeType(rid.inc_list), 

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