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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] slightly confused on admitting pending pr

From: Nicodemo Alvaro
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] slightly confused on admitting pending projects
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 23:06:11 -0500

On 8/27/09, Karl Berry <address@hidden>
>     Shall, I tell him to take the  notices,
>     from the original file and add it along with his copyright to the
>     files he edited, and leave out the other files?
> That sounds like the clearest outcome.

Now, he plans on distributing a source tarball with the lua files with
a patch. I believe Gnuzilla does something similar. I would like to
double check if it is required that he update those files included in
the source tarball for download and easy compiling as well.

>     Additionally, he claims to need the lua
config file customized for his
>     specific environment. I would think he should not distribute those.
> Is it problematic somehow, if he wants to?

Nevermind, I read it wrong.


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