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[Sks-devel] DB size when using "build"

From: Michael Gurski
Subject: [Sks-devel] DB size when using "build"
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 14:08:49 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

Out of curiosity, what are current DB sizes when building the key db
with "build" as opposed to "fastbuild"?  I'm currently trying to
estimate when this build will finish on the new system, though space
itself isn't a concern.

Also, for those syncing with, it should be back up
once the build's done.  Major badness with hardware this past weekend
blew away my plans to silently transition to a new server @ the same
address (via an internal sync between the former sks install and this
new one).  Instead, I'm having to go "from scratch", and just managed to
figure out how to get the Debianized SKS to build properly on amd64 last

Michael A. Gurski (opt. [first].)address@hidden[last]
1024R/39B5BADD PGP: 34 93 A9 94 B1 59 48 B7  17 57 1E 4E 62 56 45 70
1024D/1166213E GPG: 628F 37A4 62AF 1475 45DB  AD81 ADC9 E606 1166 213E
4096R/C0B4F04B GPG: 5B3E 75D7 43CF CF34 4042  7788 1DCE B5EE C0B4 F04B
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