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[Sks-devel] sks pool membership registration

From: Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Subject: [Sks-devel] sks pool membership registration
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 14:20:37 -0400
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hi kristian and other sks folks--

kristian, you're doing a much-appreciated job maintaining the SKS pools.
 I was wondering if you'd consider allowing members of the pool(s) to
register an e-mail address associated with their server, to receive
notifications when their server gets ejected from the pool.

For example, i'd like to be able to communicate with you (out of band,
perhaps) and say "my keyserver,, belongs in the
ha pool.  please have your system send me an alert if it gets removed
from that pool".

I can poll/scrape of course, but that
seems like it might be suboptimal -- scraping seems prone to failure,
and polling seems both laggy and potentially excessive in use of bandwidth.

any thoughts on the best way to encourage notification for operators who
want to get this sort of thing?


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