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[Traverso-devel] Re: OS X port - Success

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: [Traverso-devel] Re: OS X port - Success
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 01:18:52 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6

Hello Nic,

> Finally I've got Traverso running on OS X. It feels a bit slower than on
> Linux, but that's probably a Qt problem (I know this from my own apps). It
> seems to run stable so far, though.


A new milestone in Traverso :-)

> I will try to compile the cvs version again from scratch and take notes of
> the changes which are necessary in order to get it compile.

OK, if you make a diff, then I'll upload it next week (I'm at my parents
home for this week with no Linux install available)

> There are also problems with pressed keys, although they behave different
> from Linux/PPC. Instead of hanging keys after the release event, pressed
> keys are simply ignored after approx. 2 seconds.

Hm, not sure if I understand.
If you use --d3, you will see the output from the InputEngine.
It probably is an idea to send me that output, with explanation of what
you did.
Too ease debugging, it's maybe better to make a special "debug
inputengine" option.
(Do you mean a "hold" key automatically releases after 2 seconds? Is there
perhaps a "keyboard settings" configuration somewhere in os x to set
standard behaviour?)

> Next problem is to create a package which includes all necessary
> libraries. I should find someone using OS X without all this stuff
> installed, to see whether the libs are taken from the package or from the
> system wide installation on my system.

This has something to do with 'Bundle' stuff, right?

If Qt is installed on someones system, then it's likely not making sense
to include it in the Bundle, on the other hand, if it doesn't require too
much space....
But I'm unable to give advice in this respect, I've no idea how things are
managed on OS X.

Thanks again for the porting effort!

(if you feel adventures, I know a Mac OS X driver implementation which
easily can be ported to Traverso, so you don't need jack ;-P )



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