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[Traverso-devel] Final Autopackage Patch and Files

From: Taj Morton
Subject: [Traverso-devel] Final Autopackage Patch and Files
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 11:18:02 -0700

Here's a tarball that contains the patches and new files for the Autopackage:

The patch does this:
* traverso.desktop: Add the AudioVideo category (required if Audio or
Video is used) and a few others.

* slv2/src/world.c: Fix a typo bug so that /usr/lib/lv2 is searched for plugins.

* engine/AudioDevice.cpp: Part of the relaytool changes (see below)
* traverso/dialogs/settings/Pages.cpp: Part of the relaytool changes
* traverso/ Relaytool changes: This is a 2 part fix.
Firstly, since Debian has changed the JACK SONAME, it'll link either
against or The other change is to
"softlink" against jack, meaning that at runtime, it's detected if
jack is installed, and if so, then it's supported, otherwise not. This
only works on Linux and x86.

The new files are:
* resoures/x-traverso.xml: A MIME Type file.
Autopackage automatically converts it into a KDE MIME Type File. I
didn't bother to add support for older Gnome systems (<2.6, IIRC).
Newer Gnome's support the FDO spec.

* resources/freedesktop/icons: Just a bunch of icons in different
sizes that get installed.

* resources/images/traverso-document.svg: Icon for traverso files.

* autopackage/default.apspec: Autopackage specfile for building autopackage.

* autopackage/static-libs: Some static copies of libs that are to be
statically linked (they were created with Autopackage's wrapper around
gcc, apgcc).

* Set some env vars and create the Autopackage.

I've also uploaded a tarball of a static qt built with apgcc. I think
the QMAKESPEC has also been changed to force apgcc/apg++.
It wants to live in in /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.2.3-apbuild

If you want to create an Autopackage, you need the Autopackage
devtools installed:

Extract the Qt tarball and then run ./ (it is
supposed to live in the top level along with, etc). It
should compile and create a .package file.

Let me know if you have any questions or problems!
- Taj


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