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The vileget calling code in .vilerc

From: Chris Green
Subject: The vileget calling code in .vilerc
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2021 15:44:40 +0000

In my .vilerc that I use on several systems I have the following
towards the end:-

; Add a reStructuredText mode
; define-mode rst
; map! ; :
; map! : ;
; ~with define-submode rst
;     suf '\.rst$'
;     shiftwidth=2
; ~endwith

    perl "Vile::register 'dir', 'dir', 'Dir Browser', ''"

    perl "Vile::register 'startserv', 'Vileserv::start', \
        'Start Edit Server', ''"
    perl "Vile::register 'stopserv', 'Vileserv::stop', \
        'Stop Edit Server', ''"

    store-procedure exitproc
    set-variable $exit-hook exitproc
    setv %vileserv-accept-commands true
; Set up ^K as 'compose' key for accented characters
source digraphs.rc

The commented out reStructuredText mode is fine, it's just an
aide-memoire, the ^K bit at the end is OK too.  However the bit in
between looks a bit odd, if only because of the indenting.

Have I lost anything over the years or is it just the indenting is
awry?  I know I just slavishly copied the code when I first inserted
it so I'm not really clear how it all works.

I only looked at this just recently because I got an unexpected
vileget running on a little Beaglebone SBC where it took a noticeable
amount of time to do things.  I couldn't make it start unexpectedly
again though, I'm a bit non-plussed by the whole thing! :-)

Chris Green

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