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[Xlog-discussion] Query about the "worked before" box

From: Peter N. Spotts
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] Query about the "worked before" box
Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 21:18:11 -0400

Hi Folks,

I'm getting the hang of XLog and like it very much. One question: What
determines the order in which a repeat call sign appears in the
worked-before window? The order looks kind of random. Is there a way to
specify putting the contacts in reverse-age order, so that the newest
QSOs with a particular call appear at the top of the box? That's
particulary helpful when working contests with multiple windows open on
the desktop -- a browser, the log page, worked before, and sun clock.

Thanks for any guidance on this...

With best regards,


Peter N. Spotts -- KC1JB
http://www.kc1jb.net (under construction)
Email: address@hidden | Skype: pspotts
QRP-ARCI # 4174 | North American QRP CW Club # 2446
Flying Pigs QRP # 1983 | SKCC # 4853C | QCWA #34679
W5JH Black Widow paddle #601

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