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Re: [Xlog-discussion] A few xlog patches

From: Werner Koch
Subject: Re: [Xlog-discussion] A few xlog patches
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 20:18:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On Thu,  8 Nov 2018 12:32, address@hidden said:

> Associating such profiles with a log file would also be very useful.  I
> only wonder on how to put such meta data into the flog (?) log files
> xlog works with.  Any ideas?

Maybe it is easier to write a separate config file for each log file iff
that log file is in contest mode.  To avoid disturbing the current
layout and behaviour I will next implement such a contest flag; a flag
allows to enable features like coloring the callsign etc.

If someone is interested in a tarball for testing, just let me know.



These are my current changes:
 * Make the callsign entry bold and set focus to it.
 * Revamp the on_callentry_unfocus func to avoid memleaks.
 * Revamp the large on_mainwindow_keypress function.
 * Avoid memory leak in on_abutton_clicked.
 * Fix insert-text handler for new_text_length == -1.
 * Adapt colors from N1MM
 * Check fields and show error message on save button click.
 * Validate the callsign when using the new save button.
 * No more restart for changed qso field order and "!*" special.
 * Simplify the create QSO frame functions.
 * Use a separate endtime qso field order item.
 * Allow to globally disable QSO frame fields using the qsofieldsorder.
 * Allow for a "save" button the QSO frame
 * Initial support to configure the order of QSO frame fields.
 * Use enums instead of numbers for QSO frame field numbers.
 * Remove po/*gmo files and xlog.pot from the repo.
 * Fix the create new log prompt.
 * Reorganize code to create main window.
 * Fix greening of new callsigns.
 * Change the order of fields in the QSO frame
 * Change the color of a new callsign when it has been worked.
 * Add an invisible widget to track the "new QSO" state.
 * Just one button to set date and UTC to the current time.
 * Reorganize parts of the main window code.
 * Allow xloggettime to optionally return the date.

Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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