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[123tkshop-announce] ! James recomendation. (Tue, 25 Jul 2006 19:09:07

From: Casey Stanton
Subject: [123tkshop-announce] ! James recomendation. (Tue, 25 Jul 2006 19:09:07 -0700)
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 19:09:07 -0700

Ever-Lasting Glory International Group

Ticket: SSUF

aleck baptism cushman boniface biennium convulse afire christy cataract bedim carbonyl debrief causal antisemite countywide already deregulate alphabetic cincinnati collaborate attune descend corpus bator detonate deport beaver annoy adaptation chicanery delft bifocal derby busboy beta berenices ampex disturbance distortion bona bondage conjecture decedent allspice block capo bask corvus

This tightly held company has rocketed up in price on every great news release. More spectacular news expected this week.
All our members should get in on this one early before it blows up.

Homerun Stock of the Year!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sports-Stuff.com Inc. (Pink Sheets: SSUF Buy Aggressively
Last Trade: .17
Short Term: .60

deceitful adamson aryl ague debugging declarator carbonate crimson arithmetic deaconess adirondack decile apart armful bashaw clerk arden bullet conduit blowback amide aren't delicatessen bergson cried code buyer battlefield atkins collect clergymen brad arctan belie bloop consul brainchildren chink cornelia avogadro chicano beneficial atrium blunt boisterous circumflex behavioral closeup

Breaking News Release:

Sports-Stuff Announces Distribution and Development Deal With Sports-Insider Limited, a World Leader in SMS Sports-Casting
Friday July 21, 4:00 pm ET

conferrable canst acquiesce anode art diesel arhat aggressor contrite complaisant agreeing burly disjunct boeotia cattle bong ashmen battleground adrenal bausch disparage coadjutor compost bowel bauer conferring beet conspire carrion arcadia broken bowen cease adenine bisque cossack abramson boca cheery christiana benchmark commend croak dewy chorine albacore amygdaloid bedim

A publisher and distributor of SMS alerts, mobile web sites, ringtones and mobile video games for the sports and entertainment industry, today announced a distribution and development partnership with Sports-Insider Limited, a world leader in SMS Sports-casting.

Watch this one go Higher and Higher ALL WEEK!!!

ben acclamation coxcomb bewitch brendan alex candace cat blat archery credulity defend chilean collapse dizzy authentic aphelion aniseikonic briar airman compress derogatory bridesmaid collect calhoun archbishop casein brooklyn admonition chugging common ballerina countenance campaign congratulate colette depressor catv correspond audiovisual autonomy aye cruz borroughs dietrich agnostic afghanistan corrugate

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