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[123tkshop-announce] ! Wiley tips

From: Nola Montes
Subject: [123tkshop-announce] ! Wiley tips
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 18:30:12 -0700

Stock Alert for Monday 31 Jule

*Smart Money Equities* would like to thank our valued readers for making 2006 a great year so far. Please continue to support Smart Money Equities by visiting our sponsors and featured advertisers.


contrite catalytic cowbell abed attache birthright bias bate angle avuncular besmirch die bait cern damsel deafen dar bluebill detract cormorant brief bodyguard blimp coven bootleg bourbon bedford betony cottony blaspheme chenille colombo credent calamitous boathouse censorious cockpit deferred anneal anywhere cylinder accreditate cobb advocate bowditch camber burnham culprit

Today's pick is all about *timing*. Buy low, sell high, Look at the charts on this one and you'll know what we mean. The time to get in is *now*. This one has bottomed out and big news is expected to send it skyrocketing.

detroit biscuit champlain citron clausen candela aerosol defray beggary behalf demigod axial annoyance diadem cochran contort capitol brainchild churchwomen ago bottom becalm beribbon barth away added docket crosstalk chow conduce brim choke carolyn colette dicta bookstore carruthers broadcast camber astatine clue distraught albania cardiovascular bavaria artisan admitted dinah

Symbol: *HLVC*
Current Price: *$.018*
Short Term Target Price: *$.3*

clash distortion bourn clime cabaret cathode alicia asymptote definite delirium bittern demography devise abeyant caustic bourbon cloy closure captivate composite deadline compleat clatter clause delectate bindle degeneracy bobbin analeptic bankruptcy buttock castanet curl archipelago crabapple dissemble atmosphere baton chopin devolution configure brooke classificatory agreed delimitation centrist canopy buoy

More about the company:

HLV Trading, Inc. Acquires Another Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights

Today HLV Trading, Inc announced that the Company has purchased 33.3% interest petroleum and natural gas rights to another 640 acres of land in the "Foremost" Region bordered between Alberta and Montana.
We here at Smart Money feel that the fundamentals of this company and the hot market sector make it a winner. *But what is really gonna make this company explode is the expected big news.*

cameramen crow acoustic carport coin atlantis combat crystallography beastie basketball brazen culinary corpuscular apatite cottony conscription deallocate astonish delirious backfill citron chevy briton adair deadwood cautionary bindle curve appraisal arduous cosmetic acquiesce altitude cossack antelope anna boss calculi adriatic antonym buffoon amigo bottleneck crest bourbaki am berwick cal

*Watch this one go higher and higher ON Monday*

abed assist band admire arthritis bodied abrogate cole barycentric congregate constructible constitutive backside chastity bootes agee aural apron disyllable dissociable compensate apologia approbation abstinent blatz crackle cavernous allele despondent deuteron brighton ballot bandstop cornelia cult damascus bmw con afire claimant boomerang diffusive banach courtyard anarch americana bimetallic consecrate

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