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How to emulate output of lp -oc with a2ps?

From: Mark Merritt
Subject: How to emulate output of lp -oc with a2ps?
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:45:36 -0800


I'm trying to print 132 column reports on letter size paper in portrait
mode. The lp -oc command prints these reports perfectly on a text
printer, but in the current case we have to convert to postscript. I'm
using 'a2ps --columns=1 --rows=1 --major=rows --pretty-print=plain --bor

ders=no -B --chars-per-line=132 --lines-per-page=60 --portrait
--medium=Letter ' and I get about 100 lines on each page, versus 60 with
lp  -oc. The font size is roughly the same, but the lines are spaced
much more closely.

How can I get a2ps to 'stretch' the output to fill 1 page with 60 lines?
In spite of much experimentation, I just can't seem to get there.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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