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[Accessibility] resident evil

From: Eric S. Johansson
Subject: [Accessibility] resident evil
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:51:52 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100713 Thunderbird/3.1.1

 On 7/30/2010 9:38 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:

I think that everyone on both sides of the free software priorities debate has had the opportunity to participate and express their views. I think that all points of view have been adequately represented and that we are seeing nothing more than repetition and argument for the sake of argument. Therefore, if anyone posts to this list on either side of the debate (excepting rms who is my boss and can over-rule me <smile>) after noon EST, I will change the list to a moderated status and start rejecting messages on this subject.

good thing I read my messages this morning. :-) I have to file comments about how to move forward. They're consistent with free software principles of nonfree software exclusion. I'm trying to think outside the box and find ways of accommodating accessibility needs first, free software second.

Resident evil I:

Build/find a new home for developers willing to build speech driven user environments and, under the principle that accessibility comes first and nonfree components are acceptable as interim solution while the accessibility apartment is under construction. At the soonest possible moment, nonfree components will be replaced with free components.

from a practical perspective, this means using NaturallySpeaking and integrating it with free software tools such as Emacs so that disabled developers can contribute to the project or even make a living.

Resident evil II:

Jonathan Swift inspired me to suggest this. Build accessibility framework complete with integration with NaturallySpeaking but keep it completely nonfree until the day that the free software foundation releases a functional equivalent to NaturallySpeaking. We would put in writing the pledge that on that day our software will become free in every way the free software foundation considers important.

I find this idea attractive because it may be a way that we can give disabled developers sufficient work that they can live and have a decent life. We could fund a support center. We could fund training seminars across the country. We could make it possible to spread the word and give injured people some measure of control back in their lives.

I'm sure this modest proposal might get some people upset and they might react to it like we are eating babies but I assure you that parts of it are tongue-in-cheek. I am serious about why I find accessibility attractive. A separate home does make sense so that both important principles of supporting the disabled now and making incremental progress to a completely free future.

*thank you Chris* and finished with eight minutes to spare

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