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[Af-test] toxic

From: Helena Justice
Subject: [Af-test] toxic
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 20:36:45 +0900

17 And if thou shalt keepthese things with thy house, thyinconveniencies shall depart from thee. And the shepherd rejoicedat these, because they were allchanged, and free from theirclefts. 8 Others delivered up their rodstwo parts green, and the thirddry; and they too were set apart. And fear not the devil,because he has no power over you. Then he said unto me; Gird thyselfwith a towel, and serve me. 8 Hearken unto the similitudewhich I am about to proposeunto thee, as to this matter. Shouldst thou not ratherpurify thy mind, and serve God? 17 And if thou shalt keepthese things with thy house, thyinconveniencies shall depart from thee. But they that are not full in thefaith, fear the devil, as if he hadsome great power. 33 And I girded myself witha clean towel, which was made ofcoarse cloth. AGAIN he showed me manyother trees, of which somehad leaves, and others appeareddry and withered. Many of those gave in their rodsgreen; many half dry; the restdry but not rotten. AGAIN he showed me manyother trees, of which somehad leaves, and others appeareddry and withered. How, Sir,said I, does it bear more fruitthan the vine? Hearken, saith he;seest thou this vine and thiselm? But they that are not full in thefaith, fear the devil, as if he hadsome great power. For some suffer losses;others poverty; others diverssicknesses. Andalso all the other nations shallbe burnt, because they have notacknowledged God their Creator. THE THIRD PART OF THE BOOK OF HERMAS, CALLED HIS SIMILITUDES. 12 I replied; I understand notwhat you mean, by saying untodeath, and to a falling away. I said unto him; Sir, if I understoodit, I would not desire you to tell me. 40 Then they gave in their rods,who had them half green andhalf dry. 41 Then they gave up theirrods, who had them before twoparts green, and the third dry. He answered me;they are tormented for the sametime. Having said this to the shepherd,he departed. 23 For I am with you, themessenger of repentance, who havethe dominion over him. 7 And how can a man that doesnot serve God, ask anything ofGod, and receive it? The stakes are the messengerswhich are set oven them by the Lord,to support his people. Ifthou shalt observe these things,this fast shall be right. Foras in the summer the fruit of everytree is shown and made manifest. For some suffer losses;others poverty; others diverssicknesses. Keep thereforeboth of them pure, and thou shaltlive unto God. 22 Sir, said I, I would knowwhat kind of pains they are whichevery one undergoes? Take heed, lest when thy time isfulfilled, thou be found stillunwise. I said unto him; Sir, if I understoodit, I would not desire you to tell me. 37 Others delivered them upgreen with branches, like untotheirs who went crowned into thetower.

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