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[Akii-users] B

From: Johnnie Harden
Subject: [Akii-users] B
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 22:59:13 -0500

This program is not intended as a miracle program. It is meant to be a 
bridge--the bridge from real objects to 2-dimensional photos. It is meant to 
allow the students to hear the words repeatedly and then in context. It is 
meant to help start the students talking. This program is not the finished end 
product, it is a tool. You, the teacher, parent or therapist, are the best 
communicators. When your student or child looks at you as if to say please 
Teach Me To Talk use this program as part of the process.


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Kasey Haas

This program is not intended as a miracle program. It is meant to be a 
bridge--the bridge from real objects to 2-dimensional photos. It is meant to 
allow the students to hear the words repeatedly and then in context. It is 
meant to help start the students talking. This program is not the finished end 
product, it is a tool. You, the teacher, parent or therapist, are the best 
communicators. When your student or child looks at you as if to say please 
Teach Me To Talk use this program as part of the process..
THE PARENT arrived back on the scene. She gave me a tape by Dr. Laura Meyers 
from UCLA. I listened to that tape eight times. I listened over and over and 
heard the same thing again and again. Ms. Meyers said, 'These kids may need to 
hear a word many times (perhaps 72 times) before they ever say a word. A 
computer can be patient and say it the same way every time.' Now I understood. 
I was not patient enough. I did not allow the student to hear the words over 
and over. I was interrupting their learning by interjecting, when they were 
totally engrossed in what they were doing. I was asking questions they were not 
ready to answer. They were just learning language. They didn't have the answers 
yet.,12. Ninety six bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, 
thirty three e's, seven f's, three g's, nine h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, six 
l's, fifteen n's, eleven o's, eight r's, twenty five s's, twenty two t's, two 
u's, six v's, eight w's, four x's, and five y's on the wall.
But this is where you come in: Between now and November, you, the American 
people, you can reject the tired, old, hateful, negative politics of the past. 
And instead you can embrace the politics of hope, the politics of what's 
possible because this is America, where everything is possible..
I didn't hate dancing last night at eleven..
Haven't you liked walking?.

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