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[Ant-phone-devel] Verify your identity

From: aw-confirm
Subject: [Ant-phone-devel] Verify your identity
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:53:46 -0600

Dear eBay Member,

You have received this email because you or someone else had used your identity to make false purchases on eBay. For security reasons, we are required to open an investigation on this matter. We treat online fraud seriously and all cases which cannot be resolved between eBay and the other involved party are forwarded for further investigations to the proper authorities. To speed up this process, you are required to verify your personal information against the eBay account registration data we have on file, login in your account and follow the steps:


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Please Note - If your account information is not updated within the next 72 hours, we will assume this account is fraudulent and it will be suspended. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the purpose of this verification is to ensure that your eBay account has not been fraudulently used and to combat fraud.

Do not respond to this email, as your reply will not be received. If
you would like additional information related to this notice, please
refer to the eBay Contact Customer Support page at the address provided
below and contact us with your concern:

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Regards, Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)
eBay Inc

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