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[Ant-phone-devel] What IS OEM software and why do you care?

From: Krystyna Colon
Subject: [Ant-phone-devel] What IS OEM software and why do you care?
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 00:13:35 +0000
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.3a


What is it? OEM stands for "Original Eguipment Manufacturer." lt primarily refers to name-brand software that comes WlTHOUT the box or Owner's ManuaI.

Why do you care? You can purchase OEM (even Microsoft and Adobe) and other name-brand software ,for unbelievably Iow prices -- often much lower than from the oriqinaI manufacturer .

Need in exampIe? $75 Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 -- Not so expensive as BOX versions...

Check out OEM today at the foIIowing link

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