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Re: The plan of 0.6

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: The plan of 0.6
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 05:58:03 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.1

Hi folks!
The plan was a little changed. I've encountered a bug that DB connection
suddenly broken. And I tried several patches to fix it.
The fix has been testing in a long term service for a month. I'll
release 0.6 after I double confirm it's fixed.

Best regards.

Nala Ginrut writes:

> Hi folks!
> I'm planning to release 0.6 till this Feb.
> There're several bugfix, and an improved interfaces in Model. This will
> break the compatibility against the older Model. Fortunately, the new
> interfaces is easy to upgrade. We introduced a new keyword #:deps
> ---------------------new interface--------------------
> (create-artanis-model
> article
> (:deps user)
> (id auto (#:primary-key))
> .......
> )
> ------------------------------------------------------
> This means the "article" table depens on "user" table. When you bootup
> the server, Artanis will check if related tables are created, if no,
> Artanis will create them automatically.
> Of course, you may also use "art migration" to create tables and inject
> init data records before "art work"
> All these will appear in the document. I'm working on it.
> I hope we can use the new logo and site soon. ;-)
> Comments are welcome.
> Best regards

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