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[AUCTeX-commit] Changes to auctex/toolbar-x.el,v

From: Miguel V. S. Frasson
Subject: [AUCTeX-commit] Changes to auctex/toolbar-x.el,v
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2006 20:32:44 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/auctex
Module name:    auctex
Changes by:     Miguel V. S. Frasson <frasson>  06/12/04 20:32:43

Index: toolbar-x.el
RCS file: /sources/auctex/auctex/toolbar-x.el,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -r1.13 -r1.14
--- toolbar-x.el        13 Sep 2006 20:15:00 -0000      1.13
+++ toolbar-x.el        4 Dec 2006 20:32:43 -0000       1.14
@@ -1139,21 +1139,22 @@
 ;;; Second engine: display parsed buttons in Emacs
-(defun toolbarx-emacs-add-button (button &optional used-keys)
+(defun toolbarx-emacs-add-button (button used-keys keymap)
   "Insert a button where BUTTON is its description.
-In Emacs, insert a button to keymap `tool-bar-map' at the end.
+USED-KEYS should be a list of symbols, where the first element is
+`:used-symbols'.  This list should store the symbols of the
+buttons already inserted.  This list is changed by side effect.
+KEYMAP is the keymap where the menu-item corresponding to the
+tool-bal button is going to be inserted.  Insertion is made in
+the end of KEYMAP.
 BUTTON should be a list of form (SYMBOL . PROP-LIST).  SYMBOL is
 a symbol that \"names\" this button.  PROP-LIST is a list in the
 format (PROP VAL ... PROP VAL).         The supported properties are
 `:image', `:command', `:append-command', `:prepend-command',
 `:help', `:enable', `:visible', `:button', `:insert' and
 `:toolbar'. For a description of properties, see documentation of
-function `toolbar-install-toolbar'.
-If USED-KEYS is present, it should be a list of symbols, where
-the first element is `:used-symbols'.  This list should store the
-symbols of the buttons already inserted.  This list is changed by
-side effect."
+function `toolbar-install-toolbar'."
   (let* ((symbol (nth 0 button))
         (used-keys-list (when used-keys
                           (cdr used-keys)))
@@ -1195,38 +1196,6 @@
                     (eval (nth 1 (memq :insert filtered-props))))))
     (when insert
-       ((eq symbol :new-line)
-       ;; insert as many transparent spaces as neede to fill a line
-       ;; (setq image-descriptor (toolbarx-find-image "tex6"))
-       (let ((lines-needed (tool-bar-lines-needed))
-             (temp-tool-bar-map tool-bar-map)
-             (new-line-happened (not tool-bar-mode))
-             (starting t)
-             (key-not-used 'transp)
-             (count 0)
-             (image-descriptor (toolbarx-find-image "transp-strip")))
-         (while (not new-line-happened)
-           (setq temp-tool-bar-map (copy-sequence tool-bar-map))
-           (if starting
-               (setq starting nil)
-             (setq used-keys-list (cons key-not-used used-keys-list)))
-           ;; finding a symbol not in used-keys-list
-           (while (memq key-not-used used-keys-list)
-             (setq count (1+ count))
-             (setq key-not-used (intern
-                                 (format "%s-%d" 'transp count))))
-           ;;
-           (define-key-after tool-bar-map
-             (vector key-not-used)
-             `(menu-item "Transparent space"
-                         (lambda nil (interactive))
-                         :image ,image-descriptor
-                         :enable nil
-                         :help ""))
-           (setq new-line-happened (not (eq (tool-bar-lines-needed)
-                                            lines-needed))))
-         (setq tool-bar-map (copy-sequence temp-tool-bar-map))))
-;;       ((eq symbol :sep)  )
        ;; symbol is not :new-line, therefore a normal button
        (let* ((image (cadr (memq :image filtered-props)))
@@ -1288,14 +1257,14 @@
          (when (and image-descriptor command)
            (setq used-keys-list (cons key-not-used used-keys-list))
-           (define-key-after tool-bar-map
+           (define-key-after keymap
              (vector key-not-used) menuitem))))))
     (when used-keys (setcdr used-keys used-keys-list))))
 (defun toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list (switches
-                                                            &optional
-                                                            used-keys)
+                                                            used-keys
+                                                            keymap)
   "Process SWITCHES, inserting buttons in `tool-bar-map'.
 If a button is actually a `:insert' clause group (if `car' is
 `:insert') and evaluation of `cdr' yields non-nil, process `cddr'
@@ -1306,8 +1275,9 @@
     (if (eq (car button) :insert)
        (when (eval (cadr button))
          (toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list (cddr button)
-                                                               used-keys))
-      (toolbarx-emacs-add-button button used-keys))))
+                                                               used-keys
+                                                               keymap))
+      (toolbarx-emacs-add-button button used-keys keymap))))
@@ -1315,17 +1285,15 @@
   "Refresh and redraw the toolbar in Emacs.
 If GLOBAL-FLAG is non-nil, the default value of toolbar switches
 is used and the default value of `toolbarx-map' is changed."
-  (let ((switches (if global-flag
+  (let* ((switches (if global-flag
                       (if (default-boundp 'toolbarx-internal-button-switches)
                           (default-value 'toolbarx-internal-button-switches)
        (used-keys (list :used-symbols nil))
-       (tool-bar-map-temp))
-    (let (tool-bar-map)
-      (set (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map) (make-sparse-keymap))
-      (toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list switches used-keys)
-      (setq tool-bar-map-temp (copy-sequence tool-bar-map)))
+        (tool-bar-map-temp (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (toolbarx-emacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list switches used-keys
+                                                         tool-bar-map-temp)
     (if global-flag
        (setq-default tool-bar-map tool-bar-map-temp)
       (setq tool-bar-map tool-bar-map-temp))))
@@ -1511,7 +1479,11 @@
 properties (in this order) `locale', `default', `top', `right',
 `bottom', `left', `default-height', `default-width', `top-height',
 `right-width', `bottom-height' and `left-width'.  The return is a list
-with the same properties updated."
+with the same properties updated.
+NB: Buttons (vectors) are inserted in front of the lists
+represented by `default', `top', `right', `bottom' and `left', so
+the lists are built reversed."
   (let ((locale                 (nth 0  toolbar-props))
        (default         (nth 1  toolbar-props))
        (top             (nth 2  toolbar-props))
@@ -1604,30 +1576,27 @@
          (toolbarx-xemacs-refresh-process-button-or-insert-list switches
-        (default         (nth 1  toolbar-props))
-        (top             (nth 2  toolbar-props))
-        (right           (nth 3  toolbar-props))
-        (bottom          (nth 4  toolbar-props))
-        (left            (nth 5  toolbar-props))
+        ;; NB: Buttons (vectors) are inserted in front of the lists
+        ;; represented by `default', `top', `right', `bottom' and
+        ;; `left', so the lists are built reversed.
+        (default         (nreverse (nth 1  toolbar-props)))
+        (top             (nreverse (nth 2  toolbar-props)))
+        (right           (nreverse (nth 3  toolbar-props)))
+        (bottom          (nreverse (nth 4  toolbar-props)))
+        (left            (nreverse (nth 5  toolbar-props)))
         (default-height  (nth 6  toolbar-props))
         (default-width   (nth 7  toolbar-props))
         (top-height      (nth 8  toolbar-props))
         (right-width     (nth 9  toolbar-props))
         (bottom-height   (nth 10 toolbar-props))
-        (left-width      (nth 11 toolbar-props)))
-    ;; un-reverting variables
-    (setq default (nreverse default))
-    (setq top    (nreverse top))
-    (setq right          (nreverse right))
-    (setq bottom  (nreverse bottom))
-    (setq left   (nreverse left))
-    ;; adding borders
-    (let* ((button-raised-border 2)
+        (left-width      (nth 11 toolbar-props))
+        (button-raised-border 2)
           (default-border (specifier-instance default-toolbar-border-width))
           (top-border (specifier-instance top-toolbar-border-width))
           (right-border (specifier-instance right-toolbar-border-width))
           (bottom-border (specifier-instance bottom-toolbar-border-width))
           (left-border (specifier-instance left-toolbar-border-width)))
+    ;; adding borders
       (when default
        (setq default-height (+ (* 2 button-raised-border)
                                (* 2 default-border)
@@ -1650,7 +1619,7 @@
       (when left
        (setq left-width (+ (* 2 button-raised-border)
                               (* 2 left-border)
-                              left-width))))
+                         left-width)))
     ;; deal with specifiers
     ;; - remove all specifiers for toolbars witout buttons
     (if default

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