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Re: [AUCTeX-devel] Re: preview-latex 0.9.1 and AUCTeX 11.whatever

From: Masayuki Ataka
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX-devel] Re: preview-latex 0.9.1 and AUCTeX 11.whatever
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 04:16:22 +0900 (JST)

From: Ralf Angeli <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX-devel] Re: preview-latex 0.9.1 and AUCTeX 11.whatever
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 20:31:45 +0200

> Here you are:
> <URL:>
One comment.

I feel it is good idea to use <h3> instead of <span class="emph">
in features page, for specifing the item of features.

            <span class="emph">Editing:</span>

If you want `:' after the element of h3, CSS will help.
        h3:after { content: ":"; }

> Maybe you have some information in return: I am currently trying to
> convince Emacs loading nxml-mode when opening an HTML file. (I want to
> see if it is better than psgml-mode which I have been using until now
> and which doesn't really do a good job when it comes to indentation
> and some other things.  But maybe I am just too stupid to use it.)  So
> I put
> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
>            '("\\.\\(xml\\|xsl\\|rng\\|x?html\\)\\'" . nxml-mode))
> into my .emacs file but that gets overruled in case of existing files
> by magic-mode-alist which says, "No boy, you get html-mode!"
> Do I really have to extend that darn thing myself?  If this is the
> case, how can somebody expect an average user to sort out the
> necessary regexp?  And to make it worse, magic-mode-alist is
> practically undocumented.  Sigh.  I already reported a bug today.
> Isn't one per day enough?
This is my setting for nxml.el in .emacs

;; nXML mode
(load "rng-auto")
(eval-after-load "nxml-mode"
  '(progn (load-file "~/.emacs.d/my-nxml.el")))

(when (boundp 'magic-mode-alist)
(setq magic-mode-alist
      (cons '("<\\?xml " . nxml-mode) magic-mode-alist))

;; my-nxml.el
(defun my-nxml-insert-tag ()
  (insert "<")
  (call-interactively 'nxml-complete)

(defun my-nxml-insert-paragraph ()
  (insert "<p")
  (call-interactively 'nxml-balanced-close-start-tag-inline))

(define-key nxml-mode-map "\M-\C-i"  'nxml-complete)
(define-key nxml-mode-map "\C-c\C-e" 'my-nxml-insert-tag)
(define-key nxml-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'my-nxml-insert-paragraph)
(define-key nxml-mode-map "\C-c/"    'nxml-finish-element)

nxml uses almost all XHTML 1.1 modules by default.
That means nxml regards soure file as XHTML with frameset.
I like the manner of XHTML 1.0 strict, so I edit 


# This corresponds to the union of transitional and frameset.

default namespace = "";

include "xhtml-datatypes.rnc"
include "xhtml-attribs.rnc"
include "xhtml-struct.rnc"
# include "xhtml-frames.rnc"
include "xhtml-text.rnc"
include "xhtml-hypertext.rnc"
include "xhtml-list.rnc"
include "xhtml-image.rnc"
include "xhtml-ssismap.rnc"
include "xhtml-base.rnc"
include "xhtml-link.rnc"
include "xhtml-meta.rnc"
include "xhtml-param.rnc"
include "xhtml-object.rnc"
include "xhtml-bdo.rnc"
# include "xhtml-pres.rnc"
include "xhtml-edit.rnc"
include "xhtml-applet.rnc"
# include "xhtml-basic-form.rnc"
# include "xhtml-form.rnc"
include "xhtml-style.rnc"
include "xhtml-script.rnc"
# include "xhtml-basic-table.rnc"
include "xhtml-table.rnc"
include "xhtml-csismap.rnc"
include "xhtml-events.rnc"
include "xhtml-inlstyle.rnc"
include "xhtml-target.rnc"
# include "xhtml-iframe.rnc"
include "xhtml-nameident.rnc"
# include "xhtml-legacy.rnc"
include "xhtml-pres-limited.rnc"

email: address@hidden
Name:: Masayuki Ataka // (Japan)

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