Usage: latex [OPTION...] [COMMAND...] -alias=APP Pretend to be APP. This affects both the format used and the search path. -aux-directory=DIR Use DIR as the directory to write auxiliary files to. -buf-size=N Set buf_size to N. -c-style-errors Enable file:line:error style messages. -disable-8bit-chars Make only 7-bit characters printable by. -disable-installer Disable the package installer. Missing files will not be installed. -disable-pipes Disable input (output) from (to) processes. -disable-write18 Disable the \write18{COMMAND} construct. -dont-parse-first-line Do not parse the first line of the input line to look for a dump name and/or extra command-line options. -draftmode Switch on draft mode (generates no output). -enable-8bit-chars Make all characters printable by default. -enable-enctex Enable EncTeX extensions such as \mubyte. -enable-etex Enable e-TeX extensions. -enable-installer Enable the package installer. Missing files will be installed. -enable-mltex Enable MLTeX extensions such as \charsubdef. -enable-pipes Enable input (output) from (to) processes. -enable-write18 Enable the \write18{COMMAND} construct. -error-line=N Set error_line to N. -extra-mem-bot=N Set extra_mem_bot to N. -extra-mem-top=N Set extra_mem_top to N. -font-max=N Set font_max to N. -font-mem-size=N Set font_mem_size to N. -half-error-line=N Set half_error_line to N. -halt-on-error Stop after the first error. -help Show this help screen and exit. -hhelp Show the manual page in an HTMLHelp window and exit when the window is closed. -include-directory=DIR Prefix DIR to the input search path. -initialize Be the INI variant of the program. -interaction=MODE Set the interaction mode; MODE must be one of: batchmode, nonstopmode, scrollmode, errorstopmode. -job-name=NAME Set the job name and hence the name(s) of the output file(s). -job-time=FILE Set the job time. Take FILE's timestamp as the reference. -main-memory=N Set main_memory to N. -max-in-open=N Set max_in_open to N. -max-print-line=N Set max_print_line to N. -max-strings=N Set max_strings to N. -nest-size=N Set nest_size to N. -no-c-style-errors Disable file:line:error style messages. -output-directory=DIR Use DIR as the directory to write output files to. -output-format=FORMAT Set the output format. -param-size=N Set param_size to N. -parse-first-line Parse the first line of the input line to look for a dump name and/or extra command-line options. -pool-free=N Set pool_free to N. -pool-size=N Set pool_size to N. -quiet Suppress all output (except errors). -record-package-usages=FILE Enable the package usage recorder. Output is written to FILE. -recorder Turn on the file name recorder to leave a trace of the files opened for input and output in a file with extension .fls. -save-size=N Set save_size to N. -src-specials Insert source specials in certain places of the DVI file. -stack-size=N Set stack_size to N. -string-vacancies=N Set string_vacancies to N. -strings-free=N Set strings_free to N. -synctex=N Generate SyncTeX data for previewers if nonzero. -tcx=TCXNAME Use the TCXNAME translation table to set the mapping of inputcharacters and re-mapping of output characters. -time-statistics Show processing time statistics. -trace=OPTIONS Turn tracing on. OPTIONS must be a comma-separated list of trace options. See the manual, for more information. -trie-size=N Set trie_size to N. -undump=NAME Use NAME instead of program name when loading internal tables. -version Print version information and exit.