;;; lettrine.el --- AUCTeX style for `lettrine.sty' ;; Author: Mads Jensen ;; Keywords: tex ;;; Commentary: ;; This file adds support for `lettrine.sty'. ;;; Code: (defvar LaTeX-lettrine-key-val-options '(("lines") ("lhang") ("loversize") ("lraise") ("findent") ("nindent") ("slope") ("ante") ("image")) "Key=value options for \\lettrine") (TeX-add-style-hook "lettrine" (lambda () (TeX-add-symbols '("lettrine" [ TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-lettrine-key-val-options ] "Letter" "Text") '("LettrineImageFalse" 0) ;; all of the below can be configured with either \setlength or ;; \renewcommand "LettrineFont" "LettrineFontHook" "LettrineText" "LettrineWidth" "DefaultLhang" "DefaultLines" "DefaultLoversize" "DefaultLraise" "DefaultFindent" "DefaultNindent" "DefaultSlope" ;; above settings can also be input a file, and pointed to with ;; \renewcommand "DefaultOptionsFile") ;; Fontification (when (and (featurep 'font-latex) (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup)) (font-latex-add-keywords '(("lettrine" "[{{")) 'function) ;; For syntactic fontification, e.g. verbatim constructs. (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords) ;; Tell font-lock about the update. (setq font-lock-set-defaults nil) (font-lock-set-defaults)))) (defvar LaTeX-lettrine-package-options nil "Package options for the lettrine package.") ;;; lettrine.el ends here