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Re: [AUCTeX-devel] [xelatex]

From: Marcus Frings
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX-devel] [xelatex]
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:05:33 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

* Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> wrote:

>    > Yes, this is how you can use psfrag manipulations together with
>    > pdflatex. I do it here with my documents all the time. :-)

> BTW whats about xelatex, would that work too with or without psfrag?

I have to admit that I have never used xelatex or lualatex. In my
documents I heavily rely on the package chemnum to number my chemical
compounds in EPS files, and psfrag with auto-pst-pdf then creates the
required PDF graphics for my pdflatex run. In the documentation of
chemnum it is said that it is not compatible with xelatex (and probably
also not with lualatex), thus I have never tested anything else than

> Whats about forward and inverse search for pdf?

Both of them work perfectly for me with my viewers okular and qpdfview.

The settings in my documents are

| \usepackage[
| %off,
| runs=2
| ]{auto-pst-pdf}

when I need to change the numbers in the EPS graphics (and hence need a
auto-pst-pdf run), and after that I change it to

| \usepackage[
| off,
| runs=2
| ]{auto-pst-pdf}

when I expect no changes in the near future which speeds up compilation
of my documents as the auto-pst-pdf run will be skipped.

In both modes forward and inverse search work without problems.

You could also have a look at the package pstool which shall be the
successor of auto-pst-pdf and which is reported to work faster/more
efficiently than auto-pst-pdf. However, I'm still working with
auto-pst-pdf as it does everything I need.

"Tuba cum sonuerit dies erit extrema
et iudex advenerit vocabit sempiterna
electos in patria
prescitos ad inferna."

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